Thursday, April 7, 2011

ARCH1201 Project Two Final Submission

Public & Private Spaces

The drawings for this aspect is what I intend to use to explain how the spaces in the house are treated distinctively from each other. The models are intended for an instantaneous comparison of spaces in terms of volume and ceiling height. The first two images of the model below I've arranged in respect to the spatial organisation of the house. The rest are arranged as per the sections of the drawing below, the volumes are interactive in which certain spaces can be selected to be compared.

The drawings in the following two aspects explain where the geometry of the models were taken, with the exception of the formal device in which elevations of the model were drawn.


Formal Device- Windows

Architectural Proposition

Out of the three analytical studies I undertook, windows as a formal device was the most intrinsic to the design of Casa Antonio Siza. The positioning of these perforations on the external walls, in respect to the internal walls and spatial organisation, play with the concept of seeing and being seen- directly and indirectly connecting spaces, activities and people. It is this sense of connection and transitional definition of a space (whether being private, semi-private, public or a landscape) which stood out to me the most. It demonstrates itself as a powerful tool of drawing connections and relationships between public and private activities and an imagined landscape. Below are images of the models which I created to demonstrate this idea. The first consists of obvious internal spaces and the second extracts and mirrors the perspectival views seen through the first one.

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