This dining table accommodates for Kerr's power to influence through display and Keller's pulsating power from within, thus it is an object which symbolises a symbiotic relationship between the two's powerful personality.
The platform like side of the table is Kerr's side providing her a neat space to dine and display her fashion. This side of the table also contours out into steps where Miranda is liberated to stand on the table and visually communicate her ideas on the platform rather than verbally communicate to Keller. This allows not only addresses Kerr's need for display but also allows Keller to develop her senses.
Keller's space is the curved side of the table which enables her to routinely play with her senses making the dining experience something that is distinctive every time she sits down with Kerr. The arching in of the table side takes into account Keller's blindness, where softening a barrier is preferred than a barrier that is solid. Thus this feature allows Keller to feel her way around the table rather than being cautious of sharp edges.