Saturday, June 5, 2010

ARCH1101 Bridge Draft3

Note: The interiors of Kerr's space are still under construction.
The two images above are screenshots of Kerr's space on the bridge. Due to my concept of power as an influential force through display I have elaborated the exterior of the space. The decision to combine open air and translucent glass as the make-up of the exterior cladding reinforces the idea that power can be gained through spectacular display. The first image also adds another dimension to this concept, where the volume of the space in contrast with the density of the structure implies that this source of power seems internally empty.

Note: The supporting structure, bridge walkway and elevator shafts are still under construction.
This image capture shows the positions of Kerr's and Keller's spaces in regards to each other. The first conceptual sketch below is the envisioned composition of the resolved bridge.

Note: There are no textures yet in Keller's space.
The bottom three conceptual sketches above are for Keller's space and this has been translated in the two Google Sketchup images below and its exterior is seen on the previous image capture above. My concept of power for Keller is opposite to that of Kerr's in which it is based on the individual's internal potential and aspirations. Thus the exterior of the Keller's space is stripped of expression, instead elaborating the interior. This visually demonstrates that Keller had so much potential to share with the world but there always was a barrier between her and society.

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